


Adventure is a fantasy video game that was developed by Warren Robinett for the Atari Video Computer System and was initially released in 1980. The main goal of the game is to explore various environments riddled with enemies to find the golden chalice and return it to the golden castle. You play as a square avatar who fight dragons and bats that either kills the avatar or steal your items.

The Easter Egg

In 1979, the game developer Warren Robinett was frustrated that he was not credited within the game for his own design due to a clash within corporate culture in 1976. Atari's acquisition by Warner Communications caused a conflict between New York executives and Californian Programmers cuasing Atari to remove all game developer's names from their products. As a way to rebel, Robinett added a hidden room with a key that unlocks a special feature, showcasing his name. The first person to discover this feature was a 15-year-old boy named Adam Clayton who sent a game map to Atari after his discovery.


In 1979, the game developer Warren Robinett was frustrated that he was not credited within the game for his own design due to a clash within corporate culture in 1976. Atari's acquisition by Warner Communications caused a conflict between New York executives and Californian Programmers cuasing Atari to remove all game developer's names from their products. As a way to rebel, Robinett added a hidden room with a key that unlocks a special feature, showcasing his name. The first person to discover this feature was a 15-year-old boy named Adam Clayton who sent a game map to Atari after his discovery.


In 1979, the game developer Warren Robinett was frustrated that he was not credited within the game for his own design due to a clash within corporate culture in 1976. Atari's acquisition by Warner Communications caused a conflict between New York executives and Californian Programmers cuasing Atari to remove all game developer's names from their products.